Salams , i would like to know what is kale called in hindi & urdu. also if u or any1 else can let me know which vegetables & fruits to eat as i have been diagonosed with Hepatitis B, just a week ago !
Hello Yaqoob
I am sorry to hear that you have Hep B. As far as I know, a generally healthy diet is okay for it, but the best person to advice you would be your specialist doctor or nurse. Request your GP to get you an appointment with the hospital dietician.
Best wishes
Hi Yaqoob,
Sorry too to read of your problem. Speaking to an experienced friend the following could be helpful:
As Mamta says consult a Dietitian but hope this gives some independent help.
I had Hep about 30 years ago and from memory, I ate fresh veg and salads, boiled eggs were in my diet and although I don't particularly like pineapple, I seem to remember it tasting really good. Make sure you keep away from anything fatty or oily. I've also heard that Milk Thistle is a good liver tonic/cleanser.
I wish you well with it.
Its not something I'm really aware of or had to deal with but just done a quick google...
It appears more then anything its a healthy diet that is required, avoiding all the usual suspects like junk foods, things high in sugar, high in saturated fats, too much salt etc... Eat lots of healthy foods fruit, veg etc and keep it well balanced and just enough calories (as being overweight can strain the liver on top of everything else its trying to deal with).