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On 02/08/2007 09:08am, sana wrote:


i want to know the recipe of Chicken pattis (recipe of home made puff pastry)

and can i bake the cake without adding baking power. it will get doubled without it?

On 02/08/2007 09:08pm, mansi wrote:


About the cake, if you don't want to add abaking powder, you can add dry yeast to it, or any other leavening agent like baking soda. without that u cannot induce a lot of CO2 which is required for the cake to blow up.

hope this helps!


On 04/08/2007 04:08am, sana wrote:

i want to know the recipe of Chicken pattis (recipe of home made puff pastry)

On 04/08/2007 04:08am, sana wrote:

i want to know the recipe of Chicken pattis (recipe of home made puff pastry)

On 04/08/2007 04:08am, sana wrote:

i want to know the recipe of Chicken pattis (recipe of home made puff pastry)

On 04/08/2007 05:08am, sana wrote:

i want to know the recipe of Chicken pattis (recipe of home made puff pastry)

On 04/08/2007 05:08am, sana wrote:

i want to know the recipe of Chicken pattis (recipe of home made puff pastry)

On 04/08/2007 07:08pm, AskCy wrote:

you really want to know... lol


On 06/08/2007 10:08am, Mamta wrote:

OK sana, we heard you ;-)! I am sorry, I am not at base at present, was hopong someone else will reply. I am sitting here at Singapore airport, in their lounge, enjoying a nice glass of red wine and a wonderful food selection, courtsey of Singapore Airlines! They also have free internet here, my last chance for the following 2 weeks :-).

This is the recipe for Puff pastry on this site, though I buy ready made these days, much safer and quicker!


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