Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Not your typical cookbook, thank God

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On 04/04/2010 07:04pm, Busy London girl wrote:

I came across your blog/recipes via @KaveyF - and I have to say you have transformed me from being someone who makes the same food every night to now someone who thinks that she can cook different food without it costing too much time or money. Too often I pick up a cookbook, only to lose interest because the preparations/ingredients put me off from pursuing any further. Many offer complicated recipes which a time poor girl like me can ill afford. In contrast, your recipes are perfect for someone like me who wants to cook and who needs to do without too much faffing around both in the kitchen and in the supermarket. I tried your chappatti quesadilas with my own tuna & chorizo w/ sour cream and a mango salsa and they went down a treat in our household. I also cooked your green fish curry and made a grapefruit salad for it - again it was delicious. Thank you! And I look forward to achieving some culinary skills!

On 04/04/2010 08:04pm, Mamta wrote:

Lovely to hear from you Busy London girl, I am happy that my recipes work for you. It is funny, I made the green fish curry only yesterday and finally put the recipe on website, along with the pictures. Actually, the second picture is waiting to be corrected, when Pete gets tiome to delete it and replace it. I just had the leftover of the Green curry for dinner, with boiled rice. What a co-incidence!

On 04/04/2010 09:04pm, Kavey wrote:

Hi Mani

So pleased you're enjoying the site. Hope you're also still enjoying those pickles you bought at the underground farmers market. Was so nice to meet you and am so glad mum's recipes are getting you cooking more!

As well as mum's recipes there are also many contributed by family, friends and site readers too so lots and lots of variety to try!

Take care,


On 05/04/2010 11:04am, BusyLondonGal wrote:

Hey Kavey, there hasn't been a single day since last Sunday when I haven't had the pickles!! Last night, I had it with a coriander couscous salad!

On 05/04/2010 11:04am, Mamta wrote:

Talking about pickle remonds me; I must clear out my pickle shelf sometime soon, so I can make fresh ones this summer! Too many things to do, not enought time!

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