Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Not really recipes

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On 03/05/2010 01:05pm, Askcy wrote:

I have been adding "recipes" for things like cheese toast for my family but didn't think they were worth sending in to Mamtaskitchen...

but if you want a look -

click on the links and go through the pics, the instructions are on the pics

Potato salad with roast chicken


On 03/05/2010 01:05pm, Askcy wrote:

I don't think its going to let me post the links as clickable

Potato Salad with roast chicken

On 03/05/2010 01:05pm, Askcy wrote:

will have to by copy and paste into your browser if you want to see them... - Peas and Ribs - Houmous and Salami Sandwich


On 03/05/2010 01:05pm, Askcy wrote:

Last few now, if they will post ! - Cheese Toast with Salami and Sundried Tomato - Corned beef hash - Extra Creamy cheese toast with mushrooms and tomato


On 04/05/2010 10:05pm, Askcy wrote:

here is an observation/tip...

when using spring onions I tend to cut out the junction between the leaves as it can have trapped dirt that won't wash out !

spring onion

is it just me ?.. lol


On 05/05/2010 12:05am, Mamta wrote:

Very nice they are too Steve :-).

On 05/05/2010 09:05pm, Andrew wrote:

I second that, Mamta - they look really good.

On 06/05/2010 04:05pm, Winton wrote:

I do like the 'junction box' too. I can't recall having a problem having dirt in spring onions unlike leeks. I suspect that when grown commercially they are not planted in earth, but in a combination of manure, ash, sand or similar.


On 06/05/2010 07:05pm, AskCy wrote:

oh don't get me started on leeks... lol.. yeah they need peeling down for several layers around the junction....


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