Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

No computer!

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On 27/09/2010 01:09pm, Mamta wrote:

I am off line, computer broke down :-(, for a couple of weeks. So I will be checking mail/post only from time to time and won't be joining in in many discussions. Have fun!


On 27/09/2010 03:09pm, Lapis wrote:

I know what this feels like, so I run two operating systems on one computer.

Mmmm, no captain at the helm, will the crew respond?

On 27/09/2010 04:09pm, Kavey wrote:

Don't worry, Pete and I are still online!

We're sorting a new PC for ma and pa but it's a matter of finding a day when we're able to make the trip to theirs to set it all up and get it sorted!

On 27/09/2010 05:09pm, Lapis wrote:

no, when booting, I have the option of one or the other (or other things too!). Its so that if (when!!!!!!) XP Pro goes down, I still have access.

Im not a 'computer person', but admit to studying digital electronics at Cambridge Uni. in the 80's (1980's) but having grown up with microprocessors, and the whole Intel pathway (from the 8 bit 8085), and having owned a couple RISC based computers, I have to conclude that the PC type computer really is a pile of rubbish. My RISC-based ones of 20 years ago are still better than current PC's. Operating system in ROM, NO VIRUSES!!!

On 29/09/2010 01:09pm, Mamta wrote:

Pete came a bought a new Lap top for my husband, so I have acces to it:-). But I am stillnoit able to do any work on the site,because allmy folders are on the main one, which will be replaced in about a month. Iam still getting used to typing on a lap top key-board.

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