Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

New Papad (Papodom) Recipe

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On 31/12/2006 04:12pm, Jan wrote:

I once had papads with sesame seeds in them. I have not been able to find anything like this for sale at the Indian spice stores. Could I just follow the new recipe that is posted, but put in a couple of Table. of sesame seeds instead of the cumin seeds?

On 31/12/2006 05:12pm, mamta wrote:

I am sure you can, but be aware that making papads is not an easy task. that is why you will not meet many Indians making them at home.

Happy New year!


Please do come back and tell us if you succeed!

On 05/01/2007 07:01pm, AskCy wrote:

I read that as there is a recipe on here for papadums ??

(popadoms, pupadoms, or however its written in your own particular restaurant/takeaway/shops)

On 28/01/2007 10:01pm, Neeru Mala wrote:

Does anyone know how to make sago/sabudana/tapioca papads? My mum used to make them when I was young, they were rather nice.


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