Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Nashi Pears

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On 10/04/2010 04:04pm, Alicean wrote:

When doing my supermarket shop this morning I have managed to buy oriental pears by mistake. They are not my favourite fruit as I find them quite bland.

Has anyone any suggestions on what I can use them for. I hate wasting things.

On 10/04/2010 05:04pm, Winton wrote:

Sorry Alicean but I love them!

If you find them bland how about lightly poaching them with some 'pudding spices?'

Otherwise serving them up (chilled) with a strong cheese board perks them up and goes down well.


On 10/04/2010 06:04pm, Mamta wrote:

Oh yes, pears and cheese go really well together. Try one of these;

Pear and Blue Cheese Salad

Pear and Beetroot Salad

Send me a picture, if you make either of these :-).


On 11/04/2010 12:04am, Kavey wrote:

Goodness, nashi pears have been one of my favourite fruits for looong time. I'm thrilled that last few years has seen them become available in the supermarkets making it much easier to get hands on them.

I find them might juicer than other pear varieties, and much crisper and lighter in texture. I don't know if blue cheese would overpower them but they'd probably be lovely with a really good brie de meaux or a tunworth cheese.

Or poaching may be nice, try and keep that lovely moistness intact.

On 15/04/2010 04:04pm, Alicean wrote:

I only had 4 pears.

  1. Tried poaching lightly in red wine with cinnanon stick.

  1. Tried a variation of Mamtas salad but as i don't like lemon I used balsamic, but only had the brown sort, so that had to go in the dressing as well. I also used Cambazola blue brie, and Lancashire as I had both in the fridge.

3.As I loved the combination of the balsamic and pear next i tried poaching lightly in balsamic vinegar in the microwave so that I wasn't using to much poaching juice and made a lovely fresh chutney

4 The final one I poached for a couple of mins in the microwave with some red berries and served it with a good vanilla ice cream.

Next time I buy Nashi pears it won't be by mistake.

Thanks for your ideas

On 15/04/2010 06:04pm, Kavey wrote:

Oooh those sound great! Love the development of ideas from pear 1 to 4! :)

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