Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Mother's Day

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On 28/03/2009 04:03pm, Saved wrote:

Last Saturday I spent most of the day cooking for my mum, who has cooking such wonderfull food for me all my life.

Thanks Mamta for your wonderful recipes, without which I could not have cooked.

I made Urad dall which is my favourite and i have cooked several times before, and could eat it every day.

I also made Murgh Makhni, which turned out really well, and my mum loved it.

I tried the pistachio burfi with condenced milk & almond burfi with double cream, which was not as successful, for some reason the burfi did not set, it remained soft. ( I will try it again some time).

Thanks to Mamata for her great recies once again.

On 28/03/2009 04:03pm, Mamta wrote:

You are most welcome.

Which burfi did not set, the condensed milk one or the double cream one? The condensed milk one I have made several times and it always works for me.


On 11/04/2009 06:04pm, Saved wrote:

They both did not set. The condenced milk version set slightly better, it was like soft toffee in the end. I froze both and presented them straight out of the freezer, this way they appered set.

Thanks mamta.

On 11/04/2009 08:04pm, Mamta wrote:

Not sure why your condensed milk burfi did not set, I have made it many times, with pistachios, almonds and coconut. Perhaps you did not wait for it to 'come off the pan', before leaving it to set?

Someone else said their double cream burfi did not set, I will ask the contributor to have a look again at their recipe. she is a very good friend of mine and an excellent cook.


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