In your yogurt recipe, you mention using a Microwave Milk Boiler - I searched for it on the internet and couldn't find a single reference to it. Can you please send me a link or let me know where I can find such a gadget?
Stuti, I bought mine in India. It is made by 'Cutting Edge'. It is in this picture;
Look to the right of the + sign in the picture. It is the middle one in second row. What it is basically is a plastic bowl with a tight fitting lid and an insert in the middle, the type you have in a rice cooker, which stops the milk from boiling over. It is widely available in India, not sure where you can find it in UK.
I have a 'milk saver' - similar to this one:
Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, the link is not working from me. I'm actually in the US and could order it from an online website in India if I knew what to look for :)
Hello Stuti, I tried and the link is working. Anyway, here are a couple of pictures of mine on flickr; and
If the links don?t work as they are, try copying and pasting them.
If boiling in a pan, you can use ?milk watchers?; . They stop it from boiling over. I find them very useful when making 'Rabri? and Mawa/Khoa
Great information - thanks! Will make my life a lot easier :)
Appreciate your effort of posting the pictures...I love your website. It's as close to "mom's cooking" as it can get!