Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Message for Steven AskCy

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On 24/10/2006 12:10pm, Mamta wrote:

Dear Steven (or anyone else making chicken curry)

Can you please help Chris out with some pictures when you make a curry next? I am not going to be cooking anything for next few weeks, so can't help. Otherwise, I would have taken and posted the pictures on imageshack or similar. Can you please help Chris, with your step by step pictures of making a chicken curry?



On 24/10/2006 04:10pm, Chris Miles wrote:

really apreciated.

On 24/10/2006 06:10pm, AskCy wrote:

Would do but I'm having a problem with my server (it seems to have vanished completely) and I can't contact the owner/admins !

On 09/11/2006 11:11am, Kavey wrote:

Sorry Chris

We haven't forgotten you but both mum and myself have been in India for the last few weeks. I just got back but mum is still there, has only intermittent internet access and certainly no facilities for taking and uploading photographs.

I don't cook Indian food often enough to be able to provide any photos in the near future but will try and get some up when possible.

In the meantime, do please have a go at following a recipe from our site to the letter in terms of ingredients and amounts and see if that helps with your results.


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