Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Matar Paneer

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On 13/04/2010 05:04pm, Phil wrote:

Mamta: I did this today, and it was good. But I prefer sag paneer, perhaps because peas can be rather sweet when cooked.

I've been boasting to friends and family on email that I now make my own paneer: they're impressed (I haven't told them that it's easy!)


On 13/04/2010 09:04pm, Mamta wrote:

Great! Why not take paneer as a gift to them next time, and then teach them how to make it?


On 15/04/2010 05:04pm, Phil wrote:

OK, Mamta: my brother will be coming down here next month, so I'll show him and his partner how to do it. They're both really good cooks, but they don't do paneer.


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