Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 20/07/2011 10:07am, tim wrote:

What variety at this time of year. please?

= Tim

On 21/07/2011 06:07am, Mamta wrote:

Looks like Alphonso, though it is late in the year for it.

On 21/07/2011 03:07pm, Rajneesh wrote:

I fond most of the mangoes sold here in UK is Alphanso from Pakistan and India. Though I like dusheri (with thin seeds), other varieties like kesari , langda?, bombaiya?? seems to be rare in north India, and of course those small mangoes only for "sucking".

On 21/07/2011 03:07pm, Mamta wrote:

You forgot the Fazli, Kalmi, Amrapali and CXhusiya (sucking mano) Aam Rajneesh.

On 21/07/2011 05:07pm, tim wrote:

SO sorry - wrong link!

On 21/07/2011 06:07pm, Mamta wrote:

Describe the taste and flavour please Tim so many mangoes look like this. It probably is an Alphonso or Chausa, but there are 100s of varieties between Pakistan and India, difficult to be sure. I don't even know 25 % of the varieties!

On 21/07/2011 07:07pm, tim wrote:

Yes, I know - unfair question - but so is yours, Mamta!

Taste? How does one describe it, not being an aficianado. And they are past their best.

All one an say is that they seem more delicate & flowery than the usual Alfonsoes, with just an occasional hint of turps.

A lovely addition to the chicken curry today. And tonight with cream & Shredded Wheat!!!

= Tim

On 21/07/2011 09:07pm, Mamta wrote:

Whatever their name, enjoy!

On 24/07/2011 12:07am, Lapis wrote:

can't work out the size, but it has a similar appearance to what is known around here as 'Honey mango'. Has a touch of turps flavour.

On 24/07/2011 06:07am, tim wrote:

4" x 2.5" x 2.25"

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