Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Mango barfi & Pineapple barfi

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On 16/08/2008 08:08pm, aka wrote:

Please can someone give me the recipe for mango barfi & pineapple barfi.



On 17/08/2008 02:08pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello Aka

I haven't made mango barfi, but it can't be that different from other barfies. I have written a recipe down for you, give it a try with small amounts. You can add a few saffron/kesar strands soaked in warm water/milk, saffron works well with mangoes.

If it works well, let me know. Take a few pictures and send them to me, I will post them with the recipe, with your name on them. You know, you can make khoya quickly from powdered milk too, recipe is on this site.

Mango burfi


2 cups Khoya/mawa or tinned condensed milk. (see recipes for making mawa on this site)

2 cups mango pulp

1 cups powdered sugar, less if mangoes are very sweet and none if condensed milk is used, which is already sweetened. If using tinned puklp, remember that it is already heavily weetened.

1 tsp. green cardamom powder

8-10 blanched pistachios, shredded

2-3 blanched almonds, shredded


Crumble/grate khoya/mawa.

Place khoya in a heated wok or karahi and stir fry until lightly brown. If using condensed milk simply heat it through in a wok.

Add Mango pulp, and sugar only if needed (when using khoya).

Stir and cook on moderate heat until it begins to come off the pan.

Spread it out on a greased, flat tray.

Sprinkle shredded almonds and pistachios, press gently with wetted palm.

Allow to cool completely and cut into barfi squares.


On 20/08/2008 08:08pm, aka wrote:

Thanks mam for the recipe.

I want to try pineapple-coconut barfi. I have bought canned pineapple which is already sweet and have lot of juice and I will be adding coconut and mawa made from milk powder as per your recipe.

I have pureed the pineapple with its syrup and have boiled it till thread like consistency.

My question is should i add sugar in it and should I add condensed milk and if yes then how how much?

Second question is can we store mawa made from milk powder? Do i have to keep it in freezer or can we keep it in refrigerator and for how long?



On 21/08/2008 08:08am, Mamta wrote:

Hello aka

I have never made a burfi by boiling pureed tinned fruit in its juices, so I am not sure if I am the right person to answer your question. Personally, I wouldn?t have boiled the fruit at all. To answer your questions;

  1. If you have a 1 wire consistency of your cooked pineapple in syrup and you add crumbled/grated mawa/khoya to it, mix it well, fry until it comes off the pan, then spread out on a tray, it should set. However, having never made it myself, I can?t be absolutely sure about this.

  1. If you use tinned condensed milk (your paragraph 3), you have to heat it through in a wok/karahi first and then add whatever ingredients you are making burfi out of. Then cook until it begins to come off the pan and then spread it out on a greased tray. It sets as it cools.

  1. Amount of sugar depends upon how sweet your fruit is, especially since it is in sugar syrup already, which you have incorporated in the puree. At a guess, I don?t think you need any more sugar.

  1. As for keeping khoya in the fridge, I am sure it will be fine for a few days, as long as your fridge temperature is correct. I have frozen fresh milk khoya and that is okay. I have never frozen powder milk khoya, so don?t know. There is only one way to find out, freeze a little bit for a few weeks and then see how it tastes when de-frosted. I don?t see why it shouldn?t freeze.


On 19/07/2010 10:07am, auparekh@hotmail wrote:

2 years back u have given mango barfi receipe which I read today. My question is, does this receipe require cardamom powder as the mango mava itself has a fragarence? thank you.

On 19/07/2010 03:07pm, Mamta wrote:

I think that cardamom is not the right flavouring for it. If you have to add something, may be saffron will work better.

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