Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook is 20 years old!

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On 28/05/2021 07:05am, Kavey wrote:

Mamta's Kitchen is now 20 years old! One of the oldest recipe websites on the web, it's essentially a family cookbook online.

The bulk of the recipes come from Mamta herself, a retired doctor, mother and grandmother who loves sharing food with family and friends. The rest are from Mamta's extensive family, friends and readers. The site is administrated and supported by daughter Kavita and son-in-law Pete.

Oer the years, we've had many many lovely messages from readers all around the world about their successes with Mamta's Kitchen recipes, and many have come to Mamta for her home cook advice. The site has been featured in the mainstream media, and one of mum's core recipes was on the menu at nationwide restaurant chain Leon for an entire autumn and winter season. Mamta also ran a number of charity fundraiser classes out of her home.

If you've ever used a recipe from the site, please leave a note for Mamta and your best wishes for the site's anniversary.

On 28/05/2021 07:05am, Arti wrote:

Thanku Aunty for the wonderful recipes...may you live long and prosper. ??

On 28/05/2021 08:05am, Bron wrote:

Happy anniversary! 20 years is such a great achievement, congratulations. Love the recipes, have cooked a few over the years, but love just browsing too, always a pleasure

Thank you!

On 28/05/2021 08:05am, Fionnuala wrote:

Thanks for this wonderful resource. Over the years since we first met on the BBC boards, I have used many of your recipes. I even once had the pleasure of meeting you in person while you were on tour in Ireland. Your recipes always work and your generosity of spirit shines through. Fionnuala.

On 28/05/2021 09:05am, Mme. NotLeafy wrote:

A very happy 20th anniversary and thank you for sharing this wonderful treasury! I first visited more than 10 years ago, loving mater paneer and seeking a reliable, accessible recipe to try to make my own. Mamta's Kitchen gave me just that and there's where I learned something important - to cook gravy until the oil begins to separate from it at the edges. Something new to me at the time and a revelation as I stirred; needless to say, that's stuck! The site's not only a place to cook from, your personal notes make it a great place to browse. As an bonus, finding it was also a first toe in the online food world and the beginning of a journey that's led to a lovely friendship with Kavey and Pete. Even more to thank you for!

On 28/05/2021 11:05am, Mamta wrote:

Hello all of you lovely people, I truly appreciate your comments. I have got to 'know' quite a few of you over the years on line and have even met some of you, always a pleasure!

It is interesting that we developed this website purely out my desire to fulfil my daughters request to write down family recipes. It then occurred to us that it will be nice to write them on this newly developing media platform called internet.

Soon extended family members joined, shared recipes and sent requests and so on...

As I get into my late seventies, my cooking exploits have obviously slowed down. But I still love listening from you all and still manage to add occasional new recipe from time to time.

Love you all


On 28/05/2021 03:05pm, Shereen (@shezza wrote:

Happy anniversary, Mamta's. Thank-you for sharing your family recipes with us all for all these years. Your channa daal was the first daal I ever cooked at home that came close to tasting like the one in my favourite restaurant. And that was all thanks to your recipe and tips.

On 29/05/2021 05:05am, Mamta wrote:

Thank you Shereen.


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