A review by Mamta of the Cuisinart soup maker: http://www.kaveyeats.com/2012/06/mamta-reviews-cuisinart-soup-maker.html
No need to buy this then, another gadget you can easily do without.
I gave up buying unnecessarily kitchen gadgets a long time ago. All I need are my usual tools (like knives, zester, pestle and mortar etc), pressure cooker, blenders (and the obvious things) and I am good to go. The trouble with these new fangled gadgets is that they are totally unnecessary and take up too much space - like Mamta said - either on your work top or in the cupboard. I think people are running out of ideas to make money, and so they they come up with these stupid ideas to create unnecessary tat. I had a vegetable juicer too, and it was a pain to clean... You spent a minute juicing the veg, a couple of minutes drinking it and 15 minutes cleaning it.
Exactly Sid, well said, though I do like my juicer in spite of the cleaning.
sounds like most items of this type... they are sort of ok if you can be bothered and aren't already a reasonable cook...
Nice to see you did use it for over a month before making judgement... I'd have stopped with the first or second go...
Yes I think mum gave it a really fair trial, much more testing than I'd have had the patience for. Made for a really helpful review, I think.
It was unlikely that I'd ever have bought one, but did show me pretty much what I thought they would be like.. not really speed things up, not really that straight forward... and most importantly not big enough for when I make soup ! :-) (I use a 7 litre stockpot !)
I found that the thing was not suitable for any reasonable cook who can just as easily make soup in a pan. One would have to make an awful lot of soups to recoup the cost of the thing and for what?
I wonder how many of such things/gadgets are cluttering up the cupboards around the country!