I'm just searching the internet for a fool proof bread roll (bap, bun, teacake, bread roll) recipe as I'm looking at making some extra special homemade burgers for our usual family get together on Sunday (for a change from the normal meals we have).
I can make bread, naans, chapaties, pizza base etc but I'd like a fool proof recipe to make the sort of "bun" you put a burger on (and a good recipe,that is more than just ok).
Realised why so many people who discover this site tend to stop and keep coming back !
Most of the sites I have been looking on are incredibly fancy in their layout with pictures and scrolling menus, things that pop up, little advert windows etc etc - but are a complete pain to navigate around and make any sense of what you are trying to find ! You "google" for "bread roll recipes" and lots of sites pop up, you hit the link and then can't find the recipe it was directing you at !
On the sites that do have recipes, I then also noticed how "alien" they sound. You would think ingredients would be pretty much the same but some say add "shortening" others say "make a sour dough" and any other number of strange things and techniques.
Makes you realise that when you do a recipe search on here and it says "Flour 450g, butter or marg 200g..etc" and often you get a picture (pictures really help you to see what it is you are making) how obviously well this format works - Thanks !
its just a pity there isn't a recipe for "easy to make, fantastic bread rolls" (but then this site is predominantly Indian cuisine so its not a shock that there isn't one)
Thanks, it's nice to know the site design here is appreciated since I designed it! I was very deliberately aiming for ease of navigation (so it could be useful both to experienced internet users and beginners alike) and lack of clutter.
Glad you like it!
Kavey I've always liked it, just never realised how appaulingly difficult some other sites are to use !
Yeah, I kind of had in my mind all the things that I dislike about the way some sites are designed (so I could try and avoid them) plus some positives that I did like.
At the same time as keeping it simple I didn't want an overly techy/ corporate look for what started out very much as a family site. So this is what we ended up with. We did update the design once or twice to a minor extent during the history of the site (as we needed to add more buttons and the googlead panels and also I designed the logo which I'm still ridiculously chuffed with) but it hasn't changed much since the start!