Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Lentil Bake

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On 28/07/2007 02:07pm, Mal wrote:

Hello,I have just bought a lentil bake from our local farmers market. It is a slice of lentils with other veg in it, and spicy. It looks and smells so nice , I would love to bake it for myself. Does anyone have any ideas how to do this?

Thank you

On 28/07/2007 05:07pm, AskCy wrote:

On 28/07/2007 05:07pm, AskCy wrote:

Ah the links are playing up...

Dhokla, Lentil & Rice Savoury Steamed Cakes - 1

Paste this into your web browser to see it -


Dhokla, Lentil & Rice Savoury Steamed Cakes - 2

or maybe

Dhokla, Lentil & Gram Flour Savoury Steamed Cake with Salad


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