Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 29/06/2012 04:06pm, tim wrote:

Are these too meaty for Preserved Lemons or Lemon Relish??



On 29/06/2012 05:06pm, Mamta wrote:

They don't look too large to me Tim, they should be absolutely fine, as long as the skin is not too bitter. In India, they have large lemons called galgals (Citrus pseudolimon) and they are often used for making pickles.

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On 29/06/2012 09:06pm, Mamta wrote:

I cut my pickling lemons into small portions, about 8 to a lemon and they are totally disconnected.

On 30/06/2012 12:06am, Winton wrote:

These lemons all look magnificent!

Could you use grapefruit with a good dose of citric acid to bump up the tang?


On 30/06/2012 07:06am, Mamta wrote:

Funny you should ask Winton, Chakotra, an Indian fruit, is very similar to grape fruit, but is not grape fruit, is also used for making pickle; lovely. I had forgotten about that, must try to find a recipe from someone in India. I seem to remember that it had salt, a lot of chillies and probably nothing else.


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