Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Lasagne Recipe ?

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On 10/11/2008 09:11pm, AskCy wrote:

I've just emailed my latest version of my lasagne recipe and went looking for the one on this site...

there isn't one ?

I could have sworn there was ????????

I've tried searching and I've even brought the entire list up and looked through manually, nothing...

maybe I was wrong...but I did think I'd posted it years back ?


On 10/11/2008 09:11pm, AskCy wrote:

ps the photos added are auto shrunk by the email server, if you need the full versions of any I can post them as a file but probably only 2 at a


On 10/11/2008 09:11pm, Kavey wrote:

We don't delete recipes so can only assume you sent something else???

On 11/11/2008 01:11pm, Winton wrote:

I'm trying to develop a lasagne recipe (de-constructed!) so will forward it if the experiment works.

Tried searching for Lasagne on Mamta's site - kept on coming up with Steve Lister's Bacon Wrapped Spicy Chicken??!! Finally noticed it needed to be made in a "lasagne-type" dish!

On 11/11/2008 02:11pm, Mamta wrote:

"Finally noticed it needed to be made in a "lasagne-type" dish!"


Steve, I will go through the recipe in a few days. Having just come back from abroad, it will take me a few days to catch up. Pictures and recipes saved.


On 12/11/2008 07:11pm, Askcy wrote:

yeah the same happened to me... lol

but its now showing if you do a search for "lasagne" you get both my chicken and bacon and the the lasagne recipe !


On 12/11/2008 08:11pm, Kavey wrote:

That's coz mum added it!

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