Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Lapsi halwa

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On 31/01/2013 06:01pm, sravanthi wrote:

Hai ur recipie is good but I have a doubt in ingrediants u mentioned 3cups of hot boiled milk but didn't mentioned abt milk in the process!!

On 31/01/2013 07:01pm, Rajneesh wrote:

Hi Mamta,

Lapsi halwa? I doubt whether it the same as Habshi halwa?

On 01/02/2013 07:02am, Mamta wrote:

Hello Sravanthi

I don't see milk in my ingredients of Lapsi Halva. Now that you mention it, you can use milk instead of water, especially when making it for children. So I will add it to the recipe now.

I haven't made it for a while now, I must make it again to take a few pictures! I love the taste of it, just like I love Semolina Halva.

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