Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

lamb curry on the bone

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On 06/03/2007 10:03am, s.ghafoor wrote:


I wondered if you could help, whenever we go and visit relatives, they make my husband this lamb dish, the lamb is on the bone in a kind of gravy with no bulky vegetables and is not too spicy nor is it creamy. My husband loves this he says the meat is lovely and just falls away from the bone. Have you any idea what this recipe may be and how I could recreate it or try something near to it, I have tried things like rogan gosht but it is not the same and I can never seem to get the lamb right it always seems to tough. I should ask for the recipe from them but I am too shy! any recipe ideas would really help.


On 06/03/2007 04:03pm, Ganders wrote:

Could be a number of things; my first guess would be Mum's Lamb Curry, but it's hard to be sure.

If I've managed to get the link right, this should take you to a search on this site for "lamb and curry", which suggests quite a few to try!

On 06/03/2007 04:03pm, Ganders wrote:

Ok, that link didn't quite work! Just try pressing 'Search' at the top of this page and entering "lamb and curry" in the search box.

On 06/03/2007 07:03pm, AskCy wrote:

The Greek Dish "Kleftiko" is lamb shank (lamb on the bone) cooked really really slowly in a low oven (usually a wood fired clay oven) that takes hours and hours to cook. This ends up with lamb that is almost falling off the bone without even touching it...

It might not be this actual recipe but it might suggest why its tough, it could be cooked too hot and too short of a time ?


On 06/03/2007 08:03pm, s.ghafoor wrote:

Thanks everyone, I will give it a go and see what he thinks and let you know, so is it best to use lamb shanks? and I cook it slow and on a low heat?

On 06/03/2007 10:03pm, AskCy wrote:

Lamb shanks were only for the "Kelftiko" dish, use any lamb you feel like using or what the recipe suggests (I find shoulder of lamb to be a little to sweet and fatty for my liking)

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