Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Lamb Curry-Achari help!

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On 21/03/2013 07:03pm, Reema88 wrote:

For the crock pot version of this, I'm kind of confused. It says from step 9, you may use a crock pot, so does that mean that do everything from steps 1-9 as stated but then just throw everything into a crockpot and allow it took for 6-8 hours, afterwards?

On 21/03/2013 07:03pm, Reema88 wrote:

Can a crockpot be used for Nani Maya's lamb curry?

On 21/03/2013 09:03pm, Mamta wrote:

Yes to your question about Lamb curry Achari. I have clarified it a bit more, I think!

Yes you can, after step 12.

On 22/03/2013 02:03pm, Reema88 wrote:

Thank you so much! I want to cook something with lamb for my boyfriend's birthday in a couple weeks and your recipes look so mouth watering! Can't wait to try it out :)

On 22/03/2013 05:03pm, phil wrote:

Oh dear: I don't even know what a crock pot is!


On 22/03/2013 07:03pm, Winton wrote:

Dear Reema,

Sure you will make a great meal for your boyfriend with Mamta's recipes.

Chops as in makes a great starter - finger licking good!

For mains Lamb and spinach always comes out well:

The (not so} secret with the Lamb recipes is to make sure you have an overnight marinade in the fridge


On 22/03/2013 08:03pm, Mamta wrote:

Phil, crock pot is a slow cooker.

On 24/03/2013 03:03pm, phil wrote:

Thanks, Mamta: like an earthenware casserole pot?


On 24/03/2013 08:03pm, Mamta wrote:


On 25/03/2013 05:03pm, phil wrote:


On 29/03/2013 08:03am, Kavey wrote:

A crock pot or slow cooker in this context is not simply an earthenware pot, but an electric cooking appliance in which a large ceramic/ earthenware pot (with a close fitting lid) sits inside an electric outer pot which applies a low level of heat evenly for a long period.

It's used to cook things slowly (hence the more common name in the UK) and is quite economical in terms of electricity use. Unlike oven and stove top, it's also considered safe to leave on while you are out of the house.

In the US it's often called a crock pot, after the brand that popularised it. Like we call vacuum cleaners hoovers even when they are not Hoover brand.

On 01/04/2013 04:04pm, phil wrote:

Thanks, Kavey!


On 01/04/2013 05:04pm, Kavey wrote:

You're most welcome.

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