Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Keeping Rice/Curry/Food Warm etc

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On 06/07/2010 12:07pm, Colin wrote:

Hello People,

Been taking recepies from this site for over a year (Absoulute qulaity Mamta) one happy guy. I am having a party over the weekend in my garded (around 12-15 people) and having a Indian feast-Tandoor chicken, Several starters if thats what you call them, several curries (favourite Mamatas Mums Chicken & Lamb curries and a few different rice dices-Pilaf, Mushroom. The question is how can I keep all this warm without leaving on the hob? I only have one rice cooker so I cant really use this, only have 4 gas points etc. Would it be possible to keep everything warm in the oven or would this dry everything out? any tips or advice would be very much appreciated.

Again just a thank you to Mamata and everyone who make the effort of adding genuine recipes and photos, make a massive difference. Been a huge lover of Indian food since a child (still only 31) and have been cooking for years as a hobby and passion but since finding this website really took it to another level! far superior to so called expert cook books and tv chefs, and again so called authentic Indian restaurants.

Thanks everyone

Best Regards


On 06/07/2010 01:07pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello Colin

Thank you for you kind comments. If you like home cooked food, this is the site for you ;-). Don?t ask me to make restaurant style curries!

Chicken/Lamb Curry: It is not my mum?s recipe, it is mine. My 90 years old mum is a very strict vegetarian and will have a good laugh, if she thought I have put ?her? chicken and meat curry recipes on my website! LOL! My daughters call it mum?s, because it is their mum?s, that is me, LOL!

Food for 12-15 people is easy to keep warm. Best option is if you can find someone to lend you their hot plates/Hostess trolly. Otherwise, heat the oven to around 100C. Heat everything in a microwave oven one by one near the serving time, then gather them in the oven until needed. Make sure everything is covered with a well fitting lid before you put it in the oven. Once served, it doesn?t need to stay piping hot on a warm day.

Some others people here may give you better suggestions.

I hope the weather continues to be good for your party. Have a great time.

On 06/07/2010 03:07pm, Colin wrote:

Hello Mamta,

Yes, sorry I realised it was your recipe not your Mums but I was thinking faster than I could type I think! but got to say the chicken and lamb curry you make is a solid recipe and and I make it over and over. Just to confirm I dont use a microwave (my brains frazzled enough) if I warm up the food in my pans and rice cooker than place into glass pyrex dishes with lids or even till foil has a lid this will keep everything moist even the rice, chapittas and Mumbai Alo for several hours? in the middle of the oven? sorry if this seems trivial!

Best regards


On 07/07/2010 07:07am, Kavey wrote:

You shouldn't leave food in the oven for very long. The curries with gravy may be okay in the oven, but vegetable dishes will loose their look and collapse. I sereve food hot at the start oif a buffet, but if it gets cold as the meal progresses, then that has to be it, unless you have hot plates. Are you sure none of your friends have any?

Other alternative is to serve it in thermal casserole dishes, if anyone you know has them. You don't live near me, or I would have lent you mine!

On 07/07/2010 07:07am, Kavey wrote:

That last post was written by Mamta but she posted it on your duplicate reply (best to keep posts on same topic in one single thread) so have deleted the duplicate thread and copied her reply here.


On 07/07/2010 10:07am, Colin wrote:

Hello Mamta,

Thank you very much for the reply again. Really appreciate it. Take care.

best regards


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