Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

kashmiri chutney

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On 13/11/2006 01:11pm, ritu wrote:

dear mamta,

hi! i have been making this chutney using raddish, tomatoes , few stalks of coriander and green chillies for sometimes now and the person who taught me to make it calls it kashmiri chutney. is it usually called by this name? and does something like this actually exist or are we just making a pot pouuriof ingredients and labelling it as chutney. though i must mention thta it does tastes yum



On 15/11/2006 04:11am, Mamta wrote:

Hello Tiru

Sounds like a chutney, though the recipe I have for Kashmiri Radish Chutney uses yoghurt or dahi instead of tomatoes. It looks and tastes more like an Indian raita than a chutney. It is called Muji Chetin.

Send me your recipe, with exact measures and a digital picture if possible. I will see what I can do :-)! Send it by Contact link on this page.


On 15/11/2006 11:11am, ritu wrote:

i will surely send you the digital picture and the details of the chutney next i make i make it



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