Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 27/08/2006 08:08am, Cumin wrote:

I have heard that most Indian spices have health benefits and often there is a reason why a particular dish is cooked with certain spices. Is this true?


On 27/08/2006 12:08pm, Kavey wrote:

Dear Joe

Yes, it's certainly believed to be the case. Not just spices but many foods are said to have positive and negative effects on the body and mind.

Mum's sister has written a long article for us about Ayurvedic beliefs relating to foods and spices which my mother (Mamta) and I are currently editing.

We'll add it to the site as soon as we've finished that process - bear with us as it's a looooong article listing many many different food types and the properties they are believed to have.


On 28/08/2006 07:08pm, AskCy wrote:

They are always telling us about different ingredients that are good for us, such as garlic being good for the heart, turmeric aiding digestion...

and if you think about it, the power of food stuffs/herbs/spices becomes obvious when you think about things like tobacco and even things like cocaine, which are all from plants.

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