Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Jalapeno and red pepper jelly, Yummy!

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On 16/06/2010 06:06am, Mamta wrote:

Just made the Red pepper and jalapeno jelly, delicious!

I will post the pictures when I return from the swimming pool.

On 16/06/2010 10:06am, Askcy wrote:

Sounds very nice...!


On 16/06/2010 11:06am, Winton wrote:

Was the jalapeno jelly so hot, that you had to go swimming to cool down and normalise your temperature?

On 16/06/2010 01:06pm, Mamta wrote:

Ha, ha ha! No I go swimming most mornings.

It is only mildly hot, just a hint of chillies. I have added pictures now. Next trial is Cinnamon whirl bread.

On 16/06/2010 06:06pm, Andrew wrote:

That looks great, Mamta. I think habanero chillies work well in sweet things. I made some orange marmalade last year and I added a Dorset naga to it - which gave it an, umm, interesting twist, albeit a hot one :-) But to be honest it wasn't too bad, i made a huge pan of marmalade (made about 8 large jars) and only used one chilli.

The recipe I used was one I found online and I though it was a bit too sweet. The sugar was crystallising around the top of the jar after the jars were opened. I want to find a recipe that uses a gelling agent next so I can cut down on the amount of sugar. If anyone knows of a good recipe then I'd be grateful if you could point me in the right direction.

On 16/06/2010 08:06pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello Andrew

Let's experiment with chilli and orange+lemon marmalade, less sugar and some pectin. I am going to BBC food/garden show at NEC tomorrow, will think about it some more in a day or two.

On 16/06/2010 08:06pm, Andrew wrote:

Sounds good to me, Mamta. As I said, the orange marmalade that I made was very very sweet but the consistency was good. I would like to use a gelling agent next time so I can reduce the amount of sugar.

Am I right in saying that pectin is obtained from the pips of citrus fruits? Which would explain why the orange marmalade wasn't too bad (consistency wise), but when I used the same recipe to make a lemon and lime marmalade the end result was very runny (definitely a job for a gelling agent next time) - as you well know, limes that you buy from supermarkets don't have any pips in them, lemons do, but nowhere near as many as oranges...

I always like to add a small amount of fresh chilli to marmalade, much to the despair of a selected few LOL!

Chilli seems to be getting extremely popular in this country, don't you think? More and more people are making hot sauces and starting chilli farms. I bought some dark chocolate with chilli a few days ago, it was good but the chilli was barely detectable. I bought it for adding to chilli con carne at the end of cooking - i normally use dark chocolate of any kind, but when I saw it on the shelf I thought it would make an interesting addition.

I wouldn't mind experimenting and making a chocolate ice cream with chilli - my friend in Australia informed me that he came across one over there. I'm sure it would be really interesting...

On 17/06/2010 05:06am, Mamta wrote:

By the way, title of this thread should have named Habanero, not Jalapeno, I made a mistake :-(!

It might be worth adding a couple of tart/unripe apple?s clear juice, same as you make for apple jelly. That is also rich in pectin.

Red pepper, Apple & Habanero Chilli Jelly.

Yes chilli is cropping up in all sorts of combinations here these days. Next it will be rice pudding with chilli! LOL! It might actually be quite nice if added to Chocolate Rice Pudding, which is really nice.

Yes, I tried that dark chocolate with chilli too and you are right, there is barely any chilli in it.

Well, if you work out a recipe for any of these things, do share with us all.

On 17/06/2010 03:06pm, AskCy wrote:

Chocolate rice pudding with chilli !.. and then what about a custard and/or icecream with chilli to go with it ?


On 17/06/2010 05:06pm, Mamta wrote:

Chilli icecream already exists, I am sure custard does too.

On 17/06/2010 09:06pm, Andrew wrote:

I'm experimenting tonight with a chocolate ice cream - with the addition of a small amount of ground cassia bark, a small amount of finely chopped red Dorset naga chilli, chopped dark chilli chocolate (very mild - as I've already pointed out in a previous reply) and some vanilla essence.

I used 75g caster sugar, three egg yolks, two level tablespoons of cocoa powder (not drinking chocolate), 225ml semi-skimmed milk, 225ml single cream, a pinch or two of ground cassia or cinnamon, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence and a small amount of Dorset naga chilli finely chopped.

Add the sugar, egg yolks, cassia/cinnamon powder, chopped chilli and cocoa powder in a bowl and beat well until nicely mixed and glossy.

Meanwhile heat the milk up to just below boiling point, remove it from the heat and after one minute add it to the sugar mixture and whisk well until it froths up and there's no lumps.

Return the mixture back to the pan and stir constantly until the mixture begins to thicken slightly and the back of the spoon becomes coated. It's important not to let it come to a boil or the mixture will separate and it will be ruined. (You'd have to start again). Remove from the heat and allow it to cool.

Once cooled add the vanilla essence, chopped dark chocolate and single cream, mix well and leave in the refrigerator over night to chill.

Pour into an ice cream churner and churn until it begins to freeze, then place it in a suitable container and leave it in the freezer for a few hours.

I'll let you know how it turns out. Mine is currently in the fridge and I will churn it tomorrow morning.

*Normally I'd use double cream but I only had single so that will have to do. Also, the Dorset naga chilli isn't important, I just like them. Habanero would work just as well, as I believe most chillies would, but the chinense varieties have a nice fruity flavour. :-)

On 18/06/2010 05:06am, Mamta wrote:

If it tastes good, we will promote the recipe here Andrew. Take a few pictures though, at least of the finished/served product.


On 18/06/2010 12:06pm, Andrew wrote:

It was just an experiment. This is just one of a few ways I'm going to try and make it. When I come up with a good one I will take some pictures and share it with you.

On 18/06/2010 11:06pm, Andrew wrote:

The ice cream was really nice, Mamta. The chocolate flavour was just divine, however, I think that the next time I make it I'll cut down on the chilli slightly. It wasn't too hot but it made a really noticeable burn on the back of the throat - but one that didn't last.

On 19/06/2010 06:06am, Mamta wrote:

I thought it might. Will you share the recipe with us all, with pictures if possible?

On 19/06/2010 10:06pm, SteveAUS wrote:

Sounds very nice Mamta and I love the contraption you have to the drain the liquid. The bag standing on the long plastic legs. Id love one of those.



On 19/06/2010 10:06pm, Andrew wrote:

Hi, Mrs G. The ice cream recipe can be found here - feel free to copy the pictures.

On 21/06/2010 09:06pm, Lapis wrote:


maybe it should be called 'Habanero and sweet pepper jelly', as 'red pepper' could describe the habs as well.

Habs go very well with fresh mango pulp for a cooked chilli sauce, I have found.

On 22/06/2010 06:06am, Mamta wrote:

Thanks Lapis, good idea, name changed!

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