Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Isn't this clever?

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On 18/01/2010 06:01am, Mamta wrote:

Whenever we discuss a topic here, or a word comes up in a recipes, the adverts on the side of the page pick up the words from the subject and come up with advertsement for things containing those words! How do they do that? Clever!

On 18/01/2010 07:01am, AskCy wrote:

Sometimes rather too clever !.. lol

Somewhere in the page coding is a script to add the adverts which will also "read" what is on the page and pick out key words...


On 18/01/2010 10:01am, Kavey wrote:

We don't do that, ma, the google ads code does it...

It is clever but also the point - the idea being that adverts shown are, as much as possible, relevant to the contents of the page.

On 18/01/2010 11:01am, Andrew wrote:

Yeah, but sometimes they don't get it quite right, because my old website where I used to blog about growing chilli plants and other veggies I often got adverts for sewerage plants and sewerage equipment.

On 18/01/2010 11:01am, Kavey wrote:

Yes the mistakes are often hilarious!

On 18/01/2010 12:01pm, Ganders wrote:

The Amazon ads do pretty well too - on the Hairy Bikers thread I keep seeing their book pop up!

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