Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Ingredients for Gum Resin in UK

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On 10/07/2012 01:07pm, Richa wrote:

Hello Dear Mamta,

Thanks for posting this recipe. I would like to make the burfi you have suggested. However, I am having trouble finding some of the ingredients mentioned like gum resin and melon seeds in Indian shops in the UK. Could you please tell the name or online link of any such website which sell these ingredients in the UK.

Thanks so much

On 10/07/2012 02:07pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello Richa

They are sold as Charmagaz (Dried Melon Seeds) in 300 gm packets. Try spiceof if you can't get them in local shop. Some supermarkets also stock them. Traditionally, honeydew type of melon seeds are used, but you can use water melon seeds too.

let's see (a picture) how yours come out

Gum Resin and Ginger Burfi

On 11/07/2012 09:07pm, Suresh wrote:

charmagaz is a mix of four seeds (char means four), almond, pumpkin and two types of melon.

On 12/07/2012 08:07am, Mamta wrote:

You are right Suresh;

Char means four in Hindi.

Magaz though means brain, as in magaz mat khao. The name Char-magaz, as far as I know, has to do with melon seeds being good for the brain/magaz. I may of course be wrong.

The four seeds it contains are Water Melon, Honey-dew/Musk type of melon, Pumpkin and probably Cucumber or another type of melon. As far as I know, it should not have almonds in it, though some ready mixes of Charmagaz available in the market do have almonds.

Almonds and walnuts, along with melon seeds, have been recognised as brain foods* in 'Ayurvedic tradition', that is perhaps why some add almonds to melon seed mix.

  • My grandmother always saved all the melon seeds, washed, peeled and used them in various things. She even made 'milk' out of them by grinding them and boiling with some water. She insisted that they were good for you. Her brain was sharp until she died at 97-98 (no one knew her real age). My mum always gave us 5 almonds each morning throughout the winter months and before and during exam, saying they were good for our brains power!LOL!!

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