Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Indian Woks?

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On 31/08/2005 02:08am, Cinnamon wrote:


I bought a small wok type pan in an Indian grocer, no larger than a big soup ladle, with a copper bottom and (I think) stainless steel inside -- not sure on this one!

I've been using this to gently fry an onion in ghee to put over my dals, but, I very much like the shape (you can fry to great effect with a smaller amount of fat and much less heat) and so, I'd be tempted to try other foods.

What is the traditionally intended use for this pot, and does it have a name?



Ps.: the wok cost 1.50 UKP, so, it also is a bargain :>

On 01/09/2005 06:09pm, Kavita wrote:

Cinammon (nice nickname), just to let you know that mum is not online at the moment - she's travelling - so please don't think she's ignoring you if it's sometime before you get a response.

In the meantime, other readers may have some answers for you.

On 04/09/2005 05:09pm, Mamta wrote:

Hi Cinnamon

This small wok/kadhai/karahi/ladle that you have bought, is used to 'temper' various dals and things and to fry onions/spices etc., as you said. Indian kadhai is generally used to stir-fry things or to cook vegetables or to deep-fry things in oil. It is a good utensil to have in your kitchen. It is better to buy the ones that have a flat bottom, because they sit better on a hob. If you have a good wok, that will do the job equally well.


On 21/11/2005 06:11pm, kennyliza wrote:

If it's a nice looking pot, you could use it only for serving up dishes at the table, like dhals and curries

On 26/07/2006 12:07pm, Rehana wrote:

Many restaurants use these as serving bowls, but they can be used for Tarka.


On 11/08/2006 09:08am, Catherine wrote:

I have been trying to buy several small woks to serve chinese food in - they look great and when in Thailand I was served my meal in a wok and it looked great. Does anyone know where to buy these and how much they are - I need 6 or 8. Thanks

On 11/08/2006 05:08pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello Catherine

Go to our Homepage. Scroll down to 'News: Win! In the Mamta?s Kitchen Competition!'.

Click on 'clik here'.

Then click on the website address of Spice shop given there.

On the right side of their homepage are listed their top 5 sellers. The last one, number 5, is Balti Dish Set. You can Order it there. You can contact them and ask if they will sell you less than a whole set.

Hope you find what you are looking for.


On 12/08/2006 07:08pm, Kavey wrote:

Quicker way to find the link is to go to the Advice menu at the top of the screen and choose Suppliers...

If they don't have quite what you're looking for, let them know - I know the owner is adding to range all the time.

Alternatively, if you prefer to shop in person you could search out a large Indian cash and carry or even a Chinese supermarket and see what they have in stock.

Good luck!

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