Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Indian food and Japanese tastes

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On 22/08/2007 05:08pm, Phil wrote:

I had my Scottish-Japanese niece here in France for a week recently. She's spent almost all of her life in Japan, and was sceptical about spciy food basmati rice. My brother tells me that the Japanese can be very dismissive of Indian and Chinese rice. She said that basmati 'smells'. I said that 'It's perfumed' would be a better way of decsribing it.

Anyway, on the last day of her stay, she tentatively tried a bit and then scoffed the rest that was left in the pot!

She also tried, and liked, both a spicy Indian dish and a spicy Szechuan dish from China. So those were small successes.

But our French guests the other day wouldn;t even try harissa! very set in their ways!


On 22/08/2007 07:08pm, AskCy wrote:

Each to their own I suppose ! Personally I think its a great loss if you don't at least try something as you might be missing the very food that you would instantly consider at the top of things you love....


On 27/08/2007 05:08pm, AskCy wrote:

My mum is very set in her ways and always tells me she doesn't like food thats been messed about with, likes plane steaks and roast dinners..

however I have cooked several dishes for her including things like turkey curry at Christmas, stifado, stamna, beef in guinness and she has eaten and enjoyed them but still said she would prefer a nice plane steak !

who knows how people work... lol


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