I know it exists in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions but is it actually widly drunk by Indian people or is it more for the tourist trade in restaurants ?
Don't know about WIDELY drunk - but when we were there, we flew it in from Muri, in 90 gallon drop tanks - & it was WILDLY drunk. Does that help?
Later, we moved to Ranchi - nearer to the source!!
Some muslims and some hindus do take seriously the instruction not to drink alcohol but... a LOT do not.
Certainly in the cities at least, beer is widely available and widely drunk. I have no direct experience of rural communities so can't comment on what, if any, is the preferred alcoholic beverage there.
(Scary) 1970s brands of whisky are dreadfully popular too.
Bear and whisky are widely available and drunk in India in the middle and upper classes these days. They make excellent qualities of both. Rum is also popular in India, made locally. They now make good wine in India also, win yards have been planted in last 20 years or so, but wine is still in it's infancy and quite expensive. It is the poor people unfortunately who drink cheap drinks like 'tharra', can't spell the correct pronunciation in English! This is distilled drink from various ingredients and very, very potent and harmful.
Hope this help!
Exactly! LOL!!!
It brought back memories of our first trip to Ireland (before EU). We were driving around in a coach one day, in heavy rain. A guy on the road stopped the coach (must have been a friend of the driver ;-) and got on board, with his dripping long coat. He proceeded to produce bottles of the stuff from every pocket and made pretty good sale. It was HOT stuff, I only had a sip!