Hello Mam,
I m a student of information security ,but coooking is my hobby .Though i have no time to go in kitchen but somehow i m able prepare new dishes for my parrents.
This site is wonderful.all things are written in simple english language and the best part is u have used orginal name in ingredients like choti iiilauchi,heeng,kathal etc.
I writing this mail from India/U.P/Allahabad.Thanx to you for presenting all these dishes at one platform.
Shivani Mishra
Thank you Shivani, I am glad that I am able to help you in some small way. Like you, I too am from Uttarpradesh originally, perhaps that is why you like my recipes!
Bye for now.
By the way, Mamta ji, I am originally from UP too (now live in the US)...and I love your website!!