Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

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On 14/12/2012 08:12am, curry-man86 wrote:

Hi Mamta, Phil and All

Well hopefully that's hospital over for the rest of this year Poitiers and then they send me off to Paris for a few days, trust me to be the "Rare One" : )

I would like to upload some photos,not sure how and where to send them I did do a search but cannot find any info.



On 14/12/2012 08:12am, AskCy wrote:

Welcome back and glad everything is ok..

As for photos.. do you mean of recipes on here or just some photos in general ?

If the latter you will need to use a hosting site (such as or ) and send your files there, then post a link on here.

If its for recipes that you want to add photos for, then email them to Mamta via the "contact" link above.


On 14/12/2012 09:12am, curry-man86 wrote:

Thanks for you very prompt reply



On 14/12/2012 09:12am, Mamta wrote:

Nice to have you back :-)

On 14/12/2012 10:12am, Mamta wrote:

Lovely to hear that you are feeling well, welcome back :-)

I have replied to you by e-mail.

On 15/12/2012 06:12am, Mamta wrote:

New recipe from curry-man86

On 15/12/2012 03:12pm, phil wrote:

Well, at least you're in what is probably the best healthcare system in the world (in my opinion).

When you get back on your feet, here are some bargains we've stumbled across in our French LIDL: crab claws, and a small whole lobster for 5 euros. Both of these in what we call the 'mystery freezer', whose contents change every week.

They also often do four quails for 4 euros: way better than Intermarch?, where that'll cost you 7.50.

Get well soon!


On 15/12/2012 07:12pm, curry-man86 wrote:

Hi Phil

Thanks for your kind thoughts.

I could not agree more Phil Re: The French health care system.

Will take a look in Lidls, thanks for the tip.


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