Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

I love Mamta

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On 24/07/2010 01:07am, SteveAUS wrote:

hey.....was just reading and noticed in the amazon sale ad on the left something that i swear said I love Mamta on a white background. Was I seeing things? Was it a tea towel?

On 24/07/2010 06:07am, AskCy wrote:

Could it have been the Apron - ?


On 24/07/2010 06:07am, Winton wrote:

Subliminal advertising by Mamta's Kitchen?

Well we all do, so how about an oven towel emblazoned with the logo 'I LOVE MAMTA' to join the apron available?


On 24/07/2010 06:07am, Mamta wrote:

It was T-shirt. And no, it wasn't for me :-( guys! ie=UTF8&s=clothing&qid=1279950244&sr=1-1. There is a minor, very sexy actress by my name (Mamta Kulkarni), it might have been designed to promote her. There is also a well known politician Mamta and a presenter in India by my name. It may have been for one of them, who knows.

They also sell an 'I love mamta' iPod/mobile cover

Mamta is quite a common name, or at least it was a while back. People in India are always looking for newer and newer names for their children, with better meanings and better sounds. Children are not generally named after their elders. Mamta means 'a mother's love' or 'feeling of motherly love' or 'love of people or things'.

Perhaps I should order a few for my family ;-)!

On 24/07/2010 07:07am, Winton wrote:

Think I'll get one.

Should it not be a recommended item on Mamta's Amazon Store?

Mamta the politician? It is not to late to stand for London Mayor - I can see your slogan "Good Home Cooking For All" LOL!

On 24/07/2010 11:07am, Rajneesh wrote:

Mamta is a common name in India but i never liked M. Kulkarni ;) an artist of yester- years. BTW just in case some of you might not know that Mamta means affection / affectionate, correct me if I am wrong.

On 24/07/2010 07:07pm, SteveAUS wrote:

Phew glad I wasnt seeing things. Those are the ones. It had a red love heart inbetween I and Mamta. :o)



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