Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

How much is Basmati rice in UK

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On 01/06/2008 08:06pm, Caroline wrote:

I have just come back from a long time in India to my home in Spain and am reading so much about price increases especially Basmati Rice. Here in Lidl in Spain I paid the UK price of ?1.36 for 1kg. How much is it now in the UK as we are coming back soon - should I bring some back with me or not bother. I come by car not plane so it would not be any trouble but would it be a waste of space?

Thank you.

On 02/06/2008 05:06am, Mamta wrote:

See here;

On 02/06/2008 06:06pm, tim wrote:

Mamta, of course, goes for the best!!

Tesco's is as low as ?1.60/kg for white, against Tilda's ?3.57/kg.

I always use brown.

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