Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 20/08/2008 09:08am, Manisha wrote:


I am getting confused a bit with the do i get registered?? i can find no link for that....and i just added a new thread to the forum but i cannot find it anywhere.....plz help!!


On 20/08/2008 09:08am, Manisha wrote:

well, since i can see this thread of mine in the forum..i think i ll ask my question here only along with the above two!!...

my question is regarding the recipe Chilli Pickled in Lime Juice. In the recipe mustard oil is used but its not warmed or it ok to do so?? though i have never made any pickle myself but i have heard that mustard oil should always be heated first especially when used in pickles...maybe i am wrong but kindly lemme know is it correctly written in the recipe or not???

Thanks in advance for ur help!!


On 20/08/2008 09:08am, Mamta wrote:

Hello Manisha

Thank you for pointing out the error. You are right, mustard oil should always be heated to smoking pint first and allowed to cool completely, before adding it to the ppickle. I usually write it down, but sometimes forget!

I have ammended the chilli Pickle 2 recipe and will check through the rest slowly.


On 20/08/2008 09:08am, Kavey wrote:


Regular posters do not need to register in order to use the site or post to the forum, although the latter will be changing sometime in the future.

The login buttons are for those of us who run the site so we can access the secure areas of the site that allow us to add and edit recipes, photos and so on and also to zap the spam posts that we sadly get too many of.


On 21/08/2008 01:08pm, Manisha wrote:

Hi Mamta,

Thanks for your prompt response, but i have done the mistake :(...i forgot to heat the oil before adding it to the chillies since i had the old recipe printout with me....what should i do??? is the pickle spoilt now???? :((


On 21/08/2008 01:08pm, Manisha wrote:

Thanks Kavey....i get it now!! :) oh btw...i just realised that if we do not add our user name the post/ new thread does not get posted even though above its written optional for user name!!

On 21/08/2008 05:08pm, Mamta wrote:

Your pickle should be okay Manisha, just a bit stronger smellin of mustard!

On 22/08/2008 10:08am, Manisha wrote:


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