Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

help please romantic

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On 02/06/2010 08:06pm, george wrote:

Hi guys, I would like to blow the socks of my wife and I would like you to please help me by advising me on which dish to cook from the wonderfull selection on this site. I would like it to be two course, we dont really like cocunut but anything else goes?? I promise to post pictures of my efforts in exchange for some great advice.

Many Thanks oh and my wife wont be knowing i asked for help hehe

On 02/06/2010 09:06pm, Kavey wrote:


What kind of dishes are you looking for? Any more help on narrowing it down?

Meat or vegetarian, if meat which meat?

Tomatoey sauce or creamy/ nutty sauce?

Hot or milk?

Or are you looking for something like a roast (lamb or chicken tandoori)?

There are things like kebabs from minced meat.

So many dishes, you need to help us narrow down with you.

Another idea is to look at the top 20 list from the home page!


On 02/06/2010 11:06pm, AskCy wrote:

There aren't any bad recipes on the site so hit search and have a look...

As Kavey says give us some ideas about what you might like, the sort of things you normally go for... what line you are thinking of... ?

Something really hot and spicy?

Something that could be put in the middle of the table and shared between you pulling things out, picking and dipping ?

is it just for the two of you or all the family ?

one starter or a selection of things like pakoras and kebabs ?

Which country are you in and what sort of meats/veg/spices do you have access to ?

Anything you need to avoid on medical/health grounds ? (frying ok ?.. prefer grilled or griddled ? etc)

do you prefer smooth soft sauces or thick chunky dishes ?

What sort of things have you made before, what level of kitchen wizzardry are you at ?

is it Indian food you are looking for or one of the many other countries covered on this site ?

I'm sure if you narrow things down a bit that you will get plenty of help


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