If you're bored and have a moment, better still one moment every day for next fortnight, please can you go to the page below and vote me as high as possible!
I need your votes to be in top 160 for this Marmite competition, which MAY mean I get to try a limited edition new Marmite soon. Or it might not but I'm hoping!
I've voted, your photo makes me think of the era around the 2nd world war for some reason ???
Done. Good luck with that. Talking about marmite, has anyone tried the beer one yet? There is a jar in the cupboard but I haven't opened it yet.
Beer and marmite!!!
Unhealthy stuff mixed with healthy stuff then ;-)!
Isn't Marmite a by-product of the beer making industry anyway?
(been Googling.. yes it is - http://www.marmite.com/love/history/ )
Yes, its made from the left over yeast from the breweries after fermentation.
10 out of 10 from me, but marmite is a distant memory, and I can't remember the difference between that and a similar thing that the Brits eat. One is veggie and the other isn't, right? You guys eat it on toast, I think.
Phil are you thinking of vegemite that the men from a land down under eat ? (reference to a song not stereo typing)
oh hang on.. no you mean Bovril !.. thats the meat drink... lol. (never could get my head around that... my dad like it... I don't... )
I hate marmite. When I was in my teens, I became very ill and eventually ended with vitamin B deficiency, along with many other. I was made to eat it every day for weeks on end. It put me off for ever, ugh!
LOL@Mamta. Marmite is vegetarian also, Phil. I prefer marmite to vegemite, I'm not too keen on the texture of vegemite but I will eat it if that's all there is.
10/10 Kavey from me; also I'm in the 'love it' band! At least once a week a cheese and marmite sandwich is an emergency standby for lunch.
Probably better than taking a strong vitamin B tablet nutritionally!
Also luckily mosquitos are apparently in the 'hate it' group. Eat enough and once it has permeated your skin they won't touch you!
Had visions of you with a tiny tiny spoon Winton, doing a survey of mozzies !... lol
Thanks Steve LOL!
Thought you were going to say you had visions of me sitting on some exotic beach rubbing marmite into my skin - would give a great instant tan, prevent the mozzies but don't think its Sun Protection Factor has been tested!
Oh yes: Bovril, that was it, Steve. Quite good, as I recall. Very hearty and warming. We put beef or veal stock in our French onion soup, and I have a vague memory of my wife using Bovril as a substitute once.
I too have added a little bovril to stews, soups etc. when I was happy with the consistency but felt the flavour needed a little bolstering.
As a kid if feeling poorly my mother always gave me fizzy aspirin, lucozade and big mugs of steaming bovril so still consider them 'comfort foods' if under the weather!
It's interesting that liquid food seems to work well when people are ill: I often find that soups are good when I'm under the weather. Maybe it's because the digestive system finds it easier, or that the goodness is integrated into the system more quickly.
I'd guess fluid food works best when you are ill for 2 main reasons...
1st being that you usually have a sore throat and lose your appetite so something light and easy to swallow would be more likely eaten than something hard to swallow and stodgy when you don't feel like eating or swallowing..
2nd When you are ill you tend to lose a lot of fluid one way or another (I don't want to list them all but sometimes you are hot and sweat a lot, sometimes runny noses and all the others...).. so plenty of fluid would help to put that back...
just my thoughts.. not proven medical science...
Nowadays we just seem to be invariably told to 'drink plenty of fluids' if poorly but I'd agree soups are always comforting even you are not physically ill.
Note how Mrs. Beeton paid rather more attention to detail!:
I should have added that Mrs. Beeton's book is available free on the web and makes a great read if you are interested in the history of food. Her take on some Indian dishes are:
http://www.mrsbeeton.com/10-chapter10.html (Curry powders & chutneys) Notes 449-452
http://www.mrsbeeton.com/29-chapter29.html (Indian desserts) Notes 1435-6
Hi Kavey
Good luck with the comp, you have my vote whenever I can.
As a Vegemite lover I really hope your 'new Marmite' tastes a whole lot better then the new Vegemite Cheeseymite which has just been released here.
Combining Vegemite and cheese together to make a weird paste gluggy paste is not quite the same as spreading Vegemite and a slice or two of a nice cheese on fresh bread.
Hi June
Interestingly in the UK Marmite have done it the other way round, somehow impregnating cheddar cheese with marmite to create 'marmite cheddar' which you can then put on your marmite flavoured biscuits or rice cakes!
They have also recently brought out Marmite oven baked cashews (confess they are actually rather good!)
Many thanks, Winton, for the info re Mrs Beeton!I had no idea that she had anything to say about Indian food. I might download it, but I prefer old-fashioned bound books.
Ah well, whatever is going on, my average vote is going down, I don't understand how, I truly don't. BUT it means I'm never going to get on that leader board, so not standing a chance of getting my special Marmite! I'd need an average score of 8+ I reckon. I was hoping this many votes of 10 would do it for me but it seems not to work!
THANKS SO MUCH for trying for me, I DO appreciate it, but think might as well call it a day!