Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Happy Birthays

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On 30/09/2011 06:09am, Mamta wrote:

Happy 40th birthday to Kavita. Have a great party.

Happy Birthday to Neeta, have a great Day.

Lots of love


Sorry, D ky is not working, along with a few others! I have to copy an pst a lot of lttrs!

On 30/09/2011 08:09am, Kavey wrote:

Haaa, thanks mum. No D key, eh! Funny!


On 30/09/2011 11:09am, Sid wrote:

Many happy returns and have a great day.

On 30/09/2011 01:09pm, Mamta wrote:

No d, r and 3 key amongst a few. I had to copy and paste these letters from word!

On 30/09/2011 06:09pm, Kavey wrote:

Aaw, ma, so cute!


On 01/10/2011 05:10pm, AskCy wrote:

Happy birthday :-) (late as I am..)

(sounds like keyboard might have bits stuck under the keys, give it a shake/blow/vac)


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