Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Handvo Recipe?

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On 02/12/2008 07:12pm, Jan wrote:

Does anyone have a good handvo/handva recipe (savory snack cake from Gujarat)? I am looking to find a recipe that is not only fairly easy to make, but one that has a good flavor. Thanks.

On 02/12/2008 07:12pm, oddies wrote:

Please look at this site

On 02/12/2008 08:12pm, Jan wrote:

Thanks, that recipe looks good and I may try it. I already have some handvo flour and was hoping to just use that instead of grinding my own lentils and rice, which would make it easier. Could I just substitute the store bought handvo flour for the flour ingredients in that recipe? Thanks for your help.

On 03/12/2008 07:12am, Mamta wrote:

Here are a few I found on the web that look okay. You can read them, tweak if necessary and try them. Good luck.

Tarla's Dalal's full recipe;

From Mix;

From Flour;


On 04/12/2008 09:12pm, Jan wrote:

Thanks so much for these! I'm always looking for something different to cook and one of these might very well work.

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