Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

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On 25/09/2006 09:09pm, Bhavna wrote:

Hi Mamta,

I have been visiting this site for well over a year but have only just managed to pluck up the courage to write! I think it's great and has reminded me of many recipies that mum used to make years ago but are no longer favourable to our modern tastes.

Whilst taking a trip down memory lane, I remember when my mum used to make rice snacks that she used to dry off in the sun. Being the horrible little kids we were, we would go and sneak this savoury dough as it was drying and fill our little bellys with it!

I remember it used to have lots of cumin and chillies and it tasted great! Does anyone know what it is and how I could cok some up purely for eating purposes? I'm sure it's an acquired taste but it would bring back some great memories!

Thanks in advance, Bhavna

On 25/09/2006 10:09pm, Mamta wrote:

Welcome Bhawna

You don't need courage to visit us, we are all quite harmless ;-)! Welcome anyway.

The things your made from rice, were they deep fried before being eaten?


On 26/09/2006 07:09pm, Bhavna wrote:

Hi Mamta,

Yes that's right. I think the rice poppadoms you mention could be fried or toasted over an open flame - they tasted great either way!

Do you a recipie?

On 26/09/2006 10:09pm, Mamta wrote:

No, I don't have the recipe, not many people make papads at home these days. They are available in packets from most decent Indian grocers. Ask for Chawal ke Papad. I hope you find them. There are some sago papads, potato papads and a few other varieties. Take a look next time you visit an Indian shop.


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