I have looked at the Menu Planning but the problem that I have is preparing the main meal and the side dishes so that they are all hot and fresh and the same time. I have this trouble whatever the cusine. I end up all hot and flustered and then don't feel like eating anything. Anyone got any tips on how they overcome this?
if cooking for a lot of people (say over 10) then I find a spreadsheet with a time line (like project management, if you follow me) is useful, even vital.
Timing in cooking is a very important aspect, something I learnt from my father, who was a head chef. Getting everything prepared so that it is all ready to serve at once is a difficult thing, and needs a lot of practice, and experience.
I always tell people when the food will be served, so they will be as ready as I will be (that's the idea, anyway!).
When I lived in the Lake District, a well known chef had gourmet evenings. All guests had to be seated by 8:10 pm, anyone who was not was not served, a bit extreme, I think, but getting food to the table exactly on time is something to aim for.
Hello Seabird
It is rather a long answer:
How to plan an Indian party; Over the years, I have planned meals for 8-80 people. You don?t want to be doing too much just before the guests arrive, or you don?t get a chance to enjoy. This is roughly what I do, with minor changes.
My help leaves after desserts are served, she has young children at home.
After guests leave, my OH will help to bring everything into the kitchen and help to load the dishwasher. If anything needs to be washed, it is done next morning. All things are put away next day and we live on left overs for about 2 days LOL!