Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Fresh Fenugreek Leaves

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On 27/03/2013 07:03pm, Martin wrote:

I've bought too many fenugreek leaves. What is the best way to keep them? Should I freexe the leaves & stems (seperately?) or dry them in a lightlt warmed oven? They seem to be a bit 'fleshier' than curry leaves, which, I find. freeze well.

Since these leaves appear to be somewhat perishable I would greatly appreciate an answer as quick as you like!



On 27/03/2013 08:03pm, sativum wrote:

Sorry I do not have the answer to the original question but it did start me thinking and I wondered ........ I've never seen fenugreek leaves in the shops but have seen them in recipes. Can a fenugreek plant be grown at home in the UK midlands and the leaves harvested from the plants?

On 28/03/2013 03:03pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello Martin

I was out all morning, so didn't see this until now.

Fenugreek leaves dry very well in summer, I do this in my hot conservatory all the time. I buy a box of leaf bunches at a time, so I have enough dry ones for the whole year and a few extra for gifts. Dried methi leaves retain their flavour well.

I am not sure about the effect of oven drying on flavour, have never done it. But, you can clean, wash and gently fry them in a tsp. of oil, then freeze in portions, in something like an ice cube tray. Then use as and when you need them.

On 28/03/2013 04:03pm, Martin wrote:

Hello Sativum,

I'm afraid I don't have the answer to your question but I;d suggest asking The British Herb Society ( or The Royal Horticultural Society though you may nedd to be a member.



On 28/03/2013 04:03pm, Martin wrote:

Hi Mamta,

Thanks for your reply. I decided to freeze the leaves as they were starting to go a bit limp. I didn't wash them first but may thaw them, wash them and coarsely chop them before freezing them in ice cubes, which I may add, I do for surplus fresh chopped ginger and surplus coconut milk.



On 01/04/2013 04:04pm, phil wrote:

Goodness! I've never seen fresh fenugreek leaves in my life!

I use dried fenugreek leaves quite a lot.

I'm impressed that anyone has managed to grow these.


On 24/01/2014 11:01pm, dodgy wrote:

where can one buy these leaves wether they be fresh or dried please,I found a recipe for oven baked chicken and these leaves are in this recipe many thankls

On 25/01/2014 11:01am, Mamta wrote:

Most Indian grocers will sell them. They are called Kasuri Methi. If you ask the shop keeper for dry methi leaves, he/she should be able to help. Some Waitrose and Tescos stock them too in their Asian section. 100 gm. should be around/under ?1.00.

Alternatively, get them on line.

On 04/02/2014 07:02pm, Martin wrote:

I'm finding that I can get fresh fenugreek leaves quite easily. I live near to a small/medium city so I guess that similar places have them available too. Locally my Nepalese grocer can supply them, as can my Halal grocers.

So. they come in bunches of fresh leaves & stalks, normally too much to use in one go. They are quite fleshy, despite which I freeze my surplus. You don't get a great texture out of these but I find you do get a decent flavour.

Hope this helps,


On 10/03/2014 04:03am, Guest wrote:

I have dried fenugreek leaves in a pan on the stovetop over v low heat, and also in an oven at 200C. The flavour is largely lost in oven-drying them, but retained when you do this over the stove.

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