Dear Mamta,
I was wondering about the possibility of freezing marinated meat/fish for curry before rather than after cooking.
I was particuarly thinking whether the yoghurt or raw onions might do funny things on defrosting?
Not tried this Winton, but generally speaking, most vegetables collapse after de-frosting. I am sure this will happen to onions in the marinade, unless they are ground onions. Really not sure about this, but you can try with a small portion. As far as safety is concerned, this should be okay, because it is going to be cooked fully after you defrost it, isn't it?
Going off the fact you can get frozen burgers with onions in them I'd say its possible... In fact wouldn't it help to tenderise the meat ?
Thanks Mamta.
Slightly academic, as I never have enough of one of your curries left over to warrant freezing (even if I make double!) but how about freezing cooked curries that have yoghurt in as an ingredient?
fresh onion will produce bitter acid residues, which will give the food a 'green onion' flavour, which I find unpleasant. Unless there is sufficient acid present (to deactivate the enzymes which help produce the green onion chemicals) cut onion is going to so affected. Even sliced onions should have lemon/lime juice or vinegar poured over them, even for a salad, to prevent the acids being produced in any quantity.
Thanks Lapis - I had noticed when for instance making an onion salad unless you douse the onion pretty quickly with lemon juice/vinegar it soon starts to smell UNsavoury.
Is there a parallel here with treating cystitis by drinking cranberry juice/cider vinegar to increase acidity in the bladder to kill off the bacteria causing the infection?
Theer you go, a full answer from someone who knows :-).
I freeze meat/chicken curries all the time, some with yoghurt, some without. Meat is fine after de-frosting, but chicken breaks up a bit sometimes.
I use raw onion in salads that I take to work and sometimes don't use any dressing and haven't noticed any bad smells ?
it is my understanding that acids aggrevate the condition, some bacteria thrive in acidic conditions, its not a universal panacea (bit like a panacota, I think?).
Drinking non-acidic drinks would seem sensible.
drinking bicarb will just give you the burps, as it will all be used up by the acid in the stomach. You can't do much about neuralizing urine in the bladder, all one can do is not add to it's acidity.