Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Feed me Seymore...

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On 08/02/2010 12:02am, Andrew wrote:

This is slightly out of left-field, but whenever I'm hungry I always come to Mamta's kitchen...

On 08/02/2010 06:02am, Mamta wrote:


On 08/02/2010 06:02pm, claire moore wrote:

Hey me too! This site is a permenant bookmark on my PC, always inspiring and always makes me want to cook up a storm!

Ironically, my name shortened is C.Moore... think about it! haha feed me always!


On 09/02/2010 01:02am, SteveAUS wrote:

Me too. I like seeing the flavour of the week and this Fish Curry - Mughlai sounds delicious. Ive not made a fish curry before. Will have to give it a go. Cheers


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