Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Eat, fast and live-longer on Horizon last night

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On 07/08/2012 03:08pm, Mamta wrote:

So what did you think of it? I was convinced by the discussions and I am going to try to follow it. I am on my day one of fasting today.

For me, it rang a bell, the fasting and its health benefits that it. My grandmother, who lived into her late nineties, fasted for at least 2 days a week, sometimes more. She did eat in the evening, a vegetarian but milk/butter and often sugar rich food; she made her own sweets and milk puddings (kheer) for fast days. She never overate and was never overweight, but ate rich food cooked in lots of ghee etc. all the time. Her mind was sharp as a bell until the end. I don't remember her being ill until almost the end, when she got some liver infection/jaundice.

She once fell down on the road while visiting us (must have been into her 80's) and fractured one bone in her leg, can't remember which bone. It healed as fast it would do in miles younger people. She walked relatively erect for her age and still had many black hair before she died. Two of her sons, my father and the eldest, died young, before 60. But her second and 4th sons, who also followed similar sort of fasting from time to time, lived long and healthy , one of them living up to 104!

So I am going to give it my best shot. I am sure I will get used to it, if I am able to stick to it. Not having to take so many medicines for this and that would be marvellous!

What do you think? Did you watch it? Were you convinced? The scientific proofs of it's success were convincing.

On 07/08/2012 03:08pm, AskCy wrote:

Haven't seen it yet, but did see something years ago where they starved mice every other day (ie nothing to eat at all for one day, then eat normally the day after) and they lived nearly twice as long...


On 07/08/2012 06:08pm, Basilica wrote:

Glad you highlighted this, I have been thinking of doing something similar to try and lose a bit of weight, I will watch it on BBC iPlayer.

On 07/08/2012 07:08pm, Mamta wrote:

First fasting day over. It was surprisingly easy. My 600 calories contained a fat free, low salt mixed vegetable soup and a 2 egg scrambled egg with a little bit of smoked salmon added to it. My next fast will probably be on Friday.

On 10/08/2012 02:08am, Sid wrote:

I've heard many good things about the benefits of fasting. To be honest I only eat one meal a day in the evening (and sometimes I don't even have that). Through the daytime I tend to eat mostly fruit and nothing else, and it's not because I am on any kind of diet, it's just what I enjoy eating. I go through a bag of granny smith apples and 6-8 bananas a day (with a handful of almonds in the morning for good measure).

I once did a 10 day water fast without eating anything at all. The first two days were the hardest and after that it wasn't too bad. The only thing I found was it left my mouth all dry. Dunno why.

I watched the video you'd linked to and it's interesting stuff!! With all the fast food establishments everywhere nowadays, I think temptation is just too much for some people. I'm lucky in that I can't stand that sort of food, so it's not something I crave for. The thought of eating a McDonalds gives me a head ache.


On 10/08/2012 07:08am, Mamta wrote:

I have fasted 2 days (about 600 cal per day spread out) and it seems to be working so far; seem to have lost about 4-5 pounds. I drink plenty, water and sugar free fresh lemonade etc. when I am thirsty. I haven't felt too hungry, even on days when I am not fasting. So there is no 'making up' on normal days. Lets see how long I can stick to it and how successful it is!

My foods on fasting days have been;

2 egg scramble with a little smokes salmon

Huge mixed salad with lemon, salt and pepper only, no oil, no cheese.

Big bowl of fat free soup made with spinach, carrots, a few tomatoes, cauliflower etc, whatever was in the vegetable basket, except potatoes etc., pressure cooked with S & P.

One slice of home made bread or a tiny nan from Sainsbury's at night

Odd piece of fruit here and there.

Plenty of water/sugar free lemonade

I am sure I will make newer low calorie things as I go along. May be people here can suggest low calorie, filling foods? LOL!

I haven't found it hard at all so far. Probably because my brain knows I can eat normally next day!

On 10/08/2012 07:08am, Kittyschmeeer wrote:

I was really fascinated by the programme.

Michael Mosley (who's science programmes I have always liked) seemed quite personally involved and convinced by the findings.

I have decided to try the Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) as I have a lot of weight to lose.

I am also interested in the other health benefits and maybe the idea of "fasting" rather than "dieting" brings a healthier psychological aspect to it.

HAd my first day of fasting yesterday and consumed about 10 calories plus lots and lots of water, some black and herbal tea and a fresh black coffee in the afternoon for energy and taste.

Went really well. Was proud of myself and looking forward to poached eggs on Marmite toast for breakfast today :)

Good luck anyone else trying it x

On 10/08/2012 10:08am, Mamta wrote:

Like you Kitty, my reason for trying this one is mainly the 'other health benefits' that come with it, all of which I can do with. Since I am on 600 calories on fasting days rather than total fast, which I know I will get fed up with psychologically, it is a lot easier. I have not craved for food. I might increase it to 3 day fasting with the same 600 calorie option, I will see how it goes.

I think that the main trick will be to have low calorie, healthy options ready/pre-prepared to eat when you are hungry, within your 600 calorie intake, so you don't raid the fridge/larder and stuff yourself on wrong foods. So, I prepare low calorie soup in bulk, have loads of salad that I like ready, prepared on days I am not fasting.

So far so good.

On 12/08/2012 11:08am, Mamta wrote:

So far, it seems to be an easy diet; I am not starving and consequently not thinking of food all the time. So far, I seem to have lost 6 pounds, had a quick sneak at the scales this morning. Today is a fasting day, with only 600 calories for the day. So far, I have had 2 scrambled eggs, half of which stuck to the pan because I tried making them with no fat at all DOH, 1 cup black tea and 1 mug 20 calorie hot chocolate. It will be green salad for lunch, with no cheating. I haven't thought about evening yet!

I have been working in the garden all morning, so am a bit thirsty. I am now going to site down under the sun umbrella, have a glass of lassi and read newspaper. My lassi, or maththa/Chaach to be precise, is going to be very thin, made with a little salt and roast cumin.

This has been a fairly painless diet so far, so come and join me. Watch the programme first.

On 12/08/2012 12:08pm, Kittyschmeeer wrote:

I have found this generally really easy too touches wood.

I have found that on the eating days, I am not as hungry and looking at nutritional content of food more than I normally would too.

Today is an eating day and I thinking I am going to try your mushroom and pea curry, seeing as a friend gave me a load of asafoetida powder :)

On 20/08/2012 02:08pm, Kavey wrote:

Ma, it probably makes little difference, but the total calories for the 2 fast days are 500 max for women, 600 is for men.

I'm trying my first day today, will see how it goes. Am feeling bloody hungry at moment, but let's see.

We'll be coming to you shortly.

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