Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Dwarf French bean - what disease?

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On 29/05/2009 04:05pm, Askcy wrote:

Mamta, just looking at your photos (you posted a link in your topic about tomatoes growing upside down) and I'm not expert but judging by what I discovered on my broadbean plants... thats slug/snail damage !.. went out the other night to water mine (normally do it in the day time) to find they were being invaded by slugs and snails ... leaving trails and holes !!


On 29/05/2009 04:05pm, Mamta wrote:

Yes it was a slug. It had somehow crept into my conservatory, I found it next morning on the floor and fed him to the birds. I don't have many slugs in my garden. I use crushed egg shells and a few wild life friendly slug pallets.

On 29/05/2009 04:05pm, Askcy wrote:

Looks like I might have to invest in some !...


On 29/05/2009 06:05pm, John wrote:

You should try putting a ring of table salt around your plants. Slugs just melt when they come into contact with salt...

On 29/05/2009 07:05pm, Askcy wrote:

I did as a temp measure but the rain washed it away !


( it was good rock salt as well ! lol )

On 29/05/2009 07:05pm, Rajneesh wrote:

Hi all,

I just use slug pellets, though it is interesting to note that slugs love beer/lager just dig a hole in the ground and fit in a cup/glass of beer in it, slugs gets attracted to it and drowns itself.

I guess for French people it would be lovely beer marinated slugs for dinner (just joking).

On 30/05/2009 01:05pm, Lapis wrote:

its not a good idea to put salt anywhere near plants (that don't grow near to the sea). Slugs and snails don't like sharp objects to crawl over, but they love beer, a small glass burried in the earth up to the neck half filled with beer will attract (and drown) loads of these gastropod molluscs. If you dare, you can cook and eat the garden snails, already marinated! Just add a little garlic.....oh, never mind ;?)

On 30/05/2009 01:05pm, AskCy wrote:

I could just sit out in the garden drinking beer and shooing them away ! LOL


On 30/05/2009 01:05pm, Lapis wrote:

I read it as shooTing them! oh well, says a lot about me (who has never shot anything!)

On 30/05/2009 02:05pm, AskCy wrote:

LOL, that would make me popular with the neighbours... sat out at 11pm with a twelve bore... LOL


On 30/05/2009 02:05pm, Lapis wrote:

I thought you would use an air gun, a pellet for sugs?? LOL!

On 30/05/2009 02:05pm, Winton wrote:

LOL! I thought too a 12 bore slightly overkill! Surely an air rifle or a pair of heavy gardening boots would do the trick!

To be humane, I would rather drown in a glass of beer than be dehydrated with salt, which must also affect the chemical composition of the soil.

Mamta - apparently a slug can stretch itself to twenty times its usual length to slide through the smallest crevice so perhaps that is how it invaded your conservatory? At least you put it on the bird table so it had some purpose for its miserable life!

On 30/05/2009 05:05pm, AskCy wrote:

I think its only humane to use a 12 bore, you wouldn't want to just maime it with a flesh wound...!


On 30/05/2009 06:05pm, John wrote:

I think I may try a slug do piaza later, sounds great!

On 31/05/2009 10:05am, Rajneesh wrote:

I would avoid adding salt in soil. This would change the composition of soil and the roots instead of absorbing will loose water (osmosis)resulting in dehydration of plant hence killing them.

On 31/05/2009 10:05am, Rajneesh wrote:

Hi all,

This is not related to slugs /snails, but I felt like I was consuming one.

Sometime ago I saw at the butchers some "different" looking meat, I asked him what it was, he replied "Potte" and I came to know that it was chicken gizzard (the round hard muscular bit down the throat where it grinds the seeds).

Anyway I tried to cook it dry curry style but could not get the meat soft, and it appeared and felt like hard boiled slugs/ snails.

On 31/05/2009 10:05am, Askcy wrote:

sounds lovely... LOL

can't see it on the menu at our house... "a lovely stew of chicken gizzards, a tough part of the bird a bit like hard boiled slugs"... :-)


On 31/05/2009 12:05pm, Mamta wrote:


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