Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 04/12/2007 04:12pm, jules wrote:

I have tried your recipe for curry and have found it to be the best i have tried yet, the only trouble i have, is that i have to cook enough for 4 people and i find that i cannot get the sauce right. I find that it is too thin and it tastes watery, or i make it too thick and it tastes too much cof the corn powder i use to thicken it. Please could you help and give me some advice of where i am going wrong, thank you.

On 04/12/2007 06:12pm, Askcy wrote:

Most of the recipes are for 2-4 people (see recipes for actual number) and therefore should be ok if followed exactly.

Not aware of any using corn starch to thicken them either, this simply isn't needed.

(ps if you are cooking with cornflour/starch to thicken a sauce/gravy then you need to bring it to the boil and then simmmer for a short time to cook out the flour taste)


On 05/12/2007 09:12am, Mamta wrote:

Hi Jule

AskCy has covered most of the points.

To make curry gravy, you add water for most of the recipes. Are you adding too much? If you tell me whihc recipe you mean specifically, I can look into what is wrong and help you out.


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