Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Curry at lunchtime?

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On 06/03/2009 11:03pm, Winton wrote:

Just seen a programme on the BBC about a company "Tiffinbites" hoping to set up as a high street chain serving Indian food especially at lunchtime. Personally I'm quite happy to dig into my yesterdays curry even for breakfast.

Would love to hear any any one's other thoughts about the programme if they have time to watch it.

(you might need to sweep the link in if it doesn't work first time)

There is also a lot of interesting footage about how the commercial Indian cuisine business developed in the UK.

Would welcome any comments!

On 07/03/2009 09:03am, Mamta wrote:

I couldn't open it! I will be back in UK tomorrow and may try it from there in a day or two.

On 07/03/2009 01:03pm, oysters wrote:

I simply LOVE curry the next day, its marinated and far superior!!!

Tiffinbites is a success already, there are several in central London, Thank goodness, its slightly overpriced but wonderful food.

I was recommended your site to find a dhal recipe...

On 07/03/2009 05:03pm, Winton wrote:

There is a search button on the top of this page otherwise just follow the link below to it!

Happy Dhaling!

On 07/03/2009 07:03pm, oddies wrote:

Since the program was recorded it was bought out, Tiffinbites Acquired by V8 Gourmet Group, they were struggling business wise

On 07/03/2009 07:03pm, Rajneesh wrote:

Curry (non veg)is my favourite. But I would not like to have it for breakfast or sometimes even lunch, I would love it for dinner. Reason? It is heavy and the aromatic spices results in smelly burps which I would not want when I am working, I would prefer lighter dal curry with rice or chappatis during lunch. Only when not working I would prefer heavy non veg curry for lunch.

Preserved curries in ASDA, Sainsbury's etc are terrible tasting,I would rather eat in a restaurant or takeaway.

Best thing is to cook your own curry folks. Restaurant stuff is not for daily consumption (to heavy).

What the tiffin bites is trying to do is a herculean task,lighter curry would definitely mean compromising on taste. For example original recipe of tandoori chicken or tarka dal uses "ghee" which gives it a specific flavour which the veg oil (cholesterol free etc)can never give.

On 07/03/2009 09:03pm, mamta wrote:

Tiffin food is light, home cooked type of food by tradition. It should not be heavy or smelly or overspiced. I am sure it will cath on in UK.


On 10/03/2009 08:03pm, Winton wrote:

Think I may have mistracked you on your search. It is all these phonetical spellings such as dhal/dahl/dal that confuse me!

Try where I am sure you will get a far more comprehensive selection!

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