Hi - just found your website and would love to try some of your recipes. However I am not sure exactly what quantity 1 cup is ..... is this an american measurement which, I think, equates to 250ml or is it something else? Many thanks.
Welcome the this site :-)
Have a look here conversion charts
that should cover most of the measurements used on this site, probably with the exception of my recipes using "mugs" ie a coffee mug :-)
I looked at the conversion charts, what is a "cup" of flour, sugar or any dry produce in imperial/metric measurements.
Hi All,
It's really useful to have these equivalent measures set out. Bu can it be right that a dessertspoon equals 20 ml, more than a tablespoon?
I've always thought a teaspoon was 5ml, a tablespoon was 15ml and not had desert spoon as a measurement but would have thought it was bigger but it appears not...
you live and learn...(I suppose as I don't do any real baking my call for a few ml difference has never come up)